How would rate your followership skills?
In my September Newsletter the main feature subject is of following and how it compares to leading. How different is it really? What skills can followers and team members develop that will prepare them for being great leaders?
In reading this, you find along with my thoughts an article from Harvard Business Review.
Additionally, and based on one of the skills of leading, the topic of creativity is explored with four ideas that can expand thinking, opportunities, perspective etc. Of course, there are more ways but hey, you have to start somewhere.
You’ll also find a video link to show more of how the brain is operating when being creative.
I haven’t suggested ‘brainstorming’ directly in the creative section of the newsletter.
Brainstorming, it’s a form of brain exercise
Sometimes ‘brainstorming’ gets a bad press and I see eyes raise to heavens on the mention of it. Let me give it a new focus.
Brainstorming is about creativity and not only can it mean great ideas are collated. It will test your brain, exercise it, encourage it to connect your knowledge, feelings and experiences together. This firing of neurons helps you brain as it ages, keeps it fitter for longer, can help it to keep working well when aging causes less able parts of the brain to function as well as they once did.